Young Consumers: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents

The challenge of advertising to children

Winston Fletcher

Outlines some of the ways in which advertising to children differs from advertising to other groups: no other market is so fragmented and rapidly changing, involves advertising to…


Millennials ‐ the new media generation

John C. Geraci, Judit Nagy

Reports a study on by Harris Interactive on the reasons behind the millennium generation’s choices of media content, based on interviews with 2,518 American 13‐24 year olds and…


Do we really want to be ruled by fatheads?

Tim Ambler

Looks at the evidence from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the UK that marketing of junk foods is responsible for child obesity, and surveys the FSA website. Queries the…


KGOY reconsidered: kids just want to be kids

Paul Kurnit

Questions the validity of the KGOY dictum, ie that kids are getting older younger; this has been the driving force behind much dialogue about marketing to children over recent…


“Context is all”: what those marketing to children need to know

Louise Ellerton

Argues that marketers need a more considered understanding of the context in which children are constantly consuming, interacting, learning and relaxing; children are an audience…

What advertising means to children

Rosemary Duff

Reports research by ChildWise into how children approach the advertising they encounter; this is the first fully interactive generation, who can process information with ease…


Understanding children’s responses to TV

Nicki Caret

Reports research by Sherbert Research on how children view the TV and how it fits into their lives, especially the differences between multichannel and terrestrial‐only homes, and…

Cool for kids but hot on health

Nicky Owen

Investigates whether children’s diets can be made both healthy and appealing, in particular the role that parents play in controlling the amount of unsuitable food and drink…


Advertising to children in Sweden

Michael Plogell, Jesper Sundström

Outlines the long tradition of legislation in Sweden relating to advertising to children; this is embodied in the Marketing Practices Act, which covers all media and target…

Cover of Young Consumers



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  • Hiram Ting