Journal of Enterprise Information Management: Volume 18 Issue 5


Table of contents

Thoughts on e‐government

Marinos Themistocleous, Omiros D. Sarikas

While private companies have continued to take advantage of information and communications technology to improve their businesses, services offered by government organisations…


Barriers to e‐government integration

Wing Lam

Integration is a critical success factor for achieving a mature level of e‐government. This research seeks to identify barriers to e‐government integration (EGI).


An enterprise application integration methodology for e‐government

Marijn Janssen, Anthony M. Cresswell

Achieving goals of better integrated and responsive government services requires moving away from stand alone applications toward more comprehensive, integrated architectures. As…


Exploring stakeholders' expectations of the benefits and barriers of e‐government knowledge sharing

Jing Zhang, Sharon S. Dawes, Joseph Sarkis

The issue of varying stakeholder expectations has significant implications for successful enterprise information system implementation. This issue becomes more prevalent in…


Realising e‐government in the UK: rural and urban challenges

Jyoti Choudrie, Vishanth Weerakkody, Stephen Jones

The considerable success achieved with information and communications technologies (ICTs) within the private sector has influenced various stakeholders (including the government…


E‐voting: from apathy to adoption

L. Christian Schaupp, Lemuria Carter

To identify the factors that influence adoption of e‐voting services by citizens between the ages of 18‐24.


Computer‐supported G2G collaboration for public policy and decision‐making

Nikos Karacapilidis, Euripides Loukis, Stavros Dimopoulos

This paper investigates whether and how G2G collaboration for policy and decision‐making can be effectively supported by an appropriately developed information system.


E‐government public‐private partnerships: the “Gorod” payments system in Siberia

William McHenry, Artem Borisov

To examine and draw lessons from the experience of creating and implementing a unique e‐government payments system (“Gorod”) in a little‐studied area of the world.

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  • Prof Zahir Irani