International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 46 Issue 4


Table of contents

First party fraud management: framework for the retail industry

Chioma Vivian Amasiatu, Mahmood Hussain Shah

First party fraud in which consumers commit fraud against retailers is a growing problem. Research in this area is very limited which means that there is almost no guidance…


Consumer engagement with retail firms through social media: an empirical study in Chile

Constanza Bianchi, Lynda Andrews

Given the widespread popularity of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, understanding consumer-brand engagement behavior within social media is fundamental for…


Role of consumer traits and situational factors on impulse buying: does gender matter?

Sunil Atulkar, Bikrant Kesari

With the growing acceptance of organised retail in Central India, it is important to understand the impulse buying phenomenon and how it is influenced by consumer traits and…


Customer online shopping experience data analytics: Integrated customer segmentation and customised services prediction model

Eugene Wong, Yan Wei

The purpose of this paper is to develop a customer online behaviour analysis tool, segment high-value customers, analyse their online purchasing behaviour and predict their next…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Neil Towers