International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 9 Issue 5


Table of contents

A study of efficiency evaluation in Taiwan’s banks

Tser‐Yieth Chen, Tsai‐Lien Yeh

The main contribution of this paper is empirical in nature. We use data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency of 34 commercial banks in Taiwan. Fifteen banks…


Communication dynamics in the service encounter: A linguistic study in a hotel conference department

Jan Mattsson, Marten J. den Haring

The importance of service encounters for the purpose of creating and maintaining good customer relationships is widely recognised. This study focuses on the quality of…


On the relationship between perceived service quality, service loyalty and switching costs

Ko de Ruyter, Martin Wetzels, Josée Bloemer

In the services marketing literature it has been argued that the concept of service loyalty needs further conceptual and empirical investigation. In this paper a theoretical…


The challenge of relationships in services ‐ a New Zealand study

Mark Colgate, Kate Stewart

This paper is concerned with the challenge posed by the management of customer relationships in services. The focus is on banks, although similar service businesses (with…


The influence of organizational culture and internal politics on new service design and introduction

F. Ian Stuart

The design of new services is a fundamental element of a firm’s growth strategy but, despite some recent work, our knowledge of the new service design process remains weak. This…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited