International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 8 Issue 5


Table of contents

Inward international activities in service firms ‐ illustrated by three cases from the tourism industry

Ingmar Björkman, Sören Kock

Suggests that most research on internationalization of service firms has investigated how companies over time have developed their outward business operations. Finds, however…


What does value mean in business‐to‐business professional services?

Jozée Lapierre

Addresses the value definition and conceptualization issues in a business‐to‐business professional services context. Finds that results of exploratory research reveal that…


Segment profitability of the US business service sector: Some reflections on theory and practice

Timothy L. Wilson

“Business” services are those services provided for business customers. As a group, this sector has been the largest single division of the US service sector, comprising 25‐30 per…

Modelling the relationship between perceived value, satisfaction and repurchase intentions in a business‐to‐business, services context: an empirical examination

Paul G. Patterson, Richard A. Spreng

Examines the relationship between four key post‐purchase constructs: perceived performance, satisfaction, perceived value, and repurchase intentions, in a causal path framework in…


Relational contract norms and the effectiveness of commercial banking relationships

Michèle Paulin, Jean Perrien, Ronald Ferguson

Bases the present study, on Macneil’s relational contract theory and illustrates the conceptual and managerial importance of relational norms in a business‐to‐business service…


Telecommunication services in context: Distribution consequences of technological change and convergence

Per Andersson, Bengt G. Mölleryd

A longitudinal case study of the diffusion and change of mobile telephony in Sweden highlights the effects on service distribution against the background of rapid technological…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited