The TQM Magazine: Volume 17 Issue 5


Table of contents

A model for starting up and implementing continuous improvements and work development in practice

Martin Ljungström

The purpose of the paper is to evaluate and further develop a model created to start‐up the implementation of continuous improvements (CI) and work development (WD).


An exploratory study of the use of quality tools and techniques in product development

C.W. Thia, Kah‐Hin Chai, John Bauly, Yan Xin

The exploratory paper investigates the reasons for the adoption or non‐adoption of quality tools in industry. Although quality tools such as statistical process control and…


Customer defections analysis: an examination of online bookstores

Ya‐Yueh Shih, Kwoting Fang

The cost of retaining a customer is lower than that of obtaining a new one, so potential customer defection is an important issue in the fiercely competitive environment of…


Benchmarking on managerial practices: a tool for SMEs

Patrizia Garengo, Stefano Biazzo, Alessio Simonetti, Giovanni Bernardi

Literature and practice highlight the need to stimulate processes of qualitative growth in SMEs. The aim of the research presented in this paper is to identify a type of…


Robust PID controllers by Taguchi's method

John G. Vlachogiannis, Ranjit K. Roy

The aim of the paper is the fine‐tuning of proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers under model parameter uncertainties (noise).


How HR professionals drive TQM: a case study in an Indian organization

Sasmita Palo, Nayantara Padhi

The main objectives of the present research were to: look at the strategic role‐played by the HR professionals at various stages of TQM implementation; identify precisely how do…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Training for Quality