New Library World: Volume 111 Issue 11/12


Table of contents

Public libraries as impartial spaces in a consumer society: possible, plausible, desirable?

Christine Rooney‐Browne, David McMenemy

The purpose of this paper is to question whether, in an increasingly commercialised “24/7” information and entertainment society, public libraries are finding it progressively…


Social networking in academic libraries: the possibilities and the concerns

Andrea Dickson, Robert P. Holley

The goal of this paper is to examine the use of the major social networking tools in academic libraries in the USA. As college students are heavy users of social networking, such…


Library design, learning spaces and academic literacy

Jill Beard, Penny Dale

To acquire academic literacy students need library buildings that take account of “what the student does”, changing learning styles and preparation for employment in a digital…


Implementation of the Finnish University Libraries National Information Literacy Recommendation into academic studies at the Kumpula Science Library, University of Helsinki

Anne Kakkonen, Antti Virrankoski

The purpose of this paper is to document the co‐operation between a librarian of a science library and the teaching staff of a university in a project where a pilot course of…

Customizing an open‐source tool to enhance information literacy

Jane Magee, Elisabeth Thomas

The purpose of this paper is to discuss customizing an open‐source program called the Assignment Calculator into a tool designed specifically to serve the needs of students at…


Reference tools in Second Life®: implications for real life libraries

Florence Tang

The purpose of this paper is to provide an in‐depth discussion of reference tools in the virtual world of Second Life.


Project management in the library

Bruce E. Massis

The project management methodology can provide a library with a tool it can use to deliver a project using an effective and efficient technique so that the blueprint for success…


The LILAC conference 2010

Bob Glass

The purpose of this paper is to provide a flavour of the content of the LILAC conference held in the Republic of Ireland in March 2010.




Online date, start – end:

1898 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Asian Libraries