Reference Services Review: Volume 43 Issue 4

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents

The finals stretch: exams week library outreach surveyed

Coleen Meyers-Martin, Laurie Borchard

The purpose of this article is to explore the outreach programming and support services offered at academic libraries during final exams week. The article discusses the need to…


Library instruction and information literacy 2014

Robert Detmering, Anna Marie Johnson, Claudene Sproles, Samantha McClellan, Rosalinda Hernandez Linares

This paper aims to provide an introductory overview and selected annotated bibliography of recent resources on library instruction and information literacy across all library…


Modifying an information literacy game for outreach events

Lisa Martin, Will Martin

The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to use a web-based library game as an outreach tool at events. Games in higher education are a trend that libraries have used for…


Digging deeper into virtual reference transcripts

Vera Armann-Keown, Carol A Cooke, Gail Matheson

The purpose of the study is to identify the information needs of patrons in a large Canadian academic library system by analyzing the types of questions asked through the…


Writing a research paper: students explain their process

Eleonora Dubicki

This study aims to explore how students conceptualize the research process, describing in their own words the strategies they used, as well as the successes and challenges they…


Can research “send me high?” Addressing flow theory

Sandy L Hudock

The purpose of this study is to find whether undergraduate students in the first discipline-based class can attain flow state while researching. Despite its widespread acceptance…

Case studies and pervasive instruction: Using journalism education techniques in the information literacy classroom

Jennifer Noe

The purpose of this paper is to explore whether journalism education techniques can be adapted for use in the information literacy classroom as a means of teaching the ethical use…

Perceptions of students working as library reference assistants at a University Library

Andrew Brenza, Michelle Kowalsky, Denise Brush

This paper aims to develop a better understanding of student worker perceptions of academic libraries in an effort to improve student worker training, position structure and…

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  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein